Industry Organizations
As the representative of its members, Staplcotn takes every opportunity to maintain a strong presence across all sectors of the cotton industry. This is demonstrated by its membership, leadership, and representation within various industry organizations.
Amcot is the trade association representing the combined interests of America’s true cooperative cotton grower/members. Staplcotn is one of four major U.S. cotton marketing cooperatives that are owner/members of AMCOT. Together the four cooperatives supply approximately half of the U.S. cotton crop to textile mills around the world.
For more information visit
The Cotton Board
Based in Memphis, Tennessee, The Cotton Board is the oversight and administrative arm of the Cotton Research & Promotion Program, representing U.S. Upland cotton.
To fund the program, The Cotton Board collects a per bale assessment of all upland cotton harvested and ginned in the U.S., as well as an importer assessment for all upland cotton products imported into the U.S. To conduct the program, The Cotton Board contracts with Cotton Incorporated to carryout the actual research and promotion activities for U.S. producers and importers of cotton.
Stapcotn has been certified by the USDA as a Certified Cotton Producer Organization to represent its members from the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia in the nomination of producers from positions on the Cotton Board.
Staplcotn seeks to promote diversity and ensure equal opportunity and inclusion for all those who qualify for nomination and appointment to The Cotton Board regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, disability, socio-economic status, religion or sexual orientation keeping in mind the benefits that diverse membership and leadership will bring to the Cotton Research & Promotion Program, when considering individuals for nomination to The Cotton Board.
For more information visit
Cotton Incorporated
Cotton Incorporated is the research and marketing company representing upland cotton which is funded by U.S. growers of upland cotton and importers of cotton and cotton textile products. The program is designed and operated to improve the demand for and profitability of cotton.
For more information visit
National Cotton Council
The National Cotton Council of America’s (NCC) mission is to ensure the ability of all U.S. cotton industry segments to compete effectively and profitable in raw cotton, oilseed and U.S. – manufactured product markets at home and abroad. It serves as the central forum for consensus-building among producers, ginners, warehousers, merchants, cottonseed processors/dealers, cooperatives and textile manufacturers. The organization is the unifying force in working with the government to ensure that cotton’s interests are considered.
For more information visit
Cotton Council International
Cotton Council International (CCI) is the export promotion arm of the National Cotton Council of America. CCI’s mission is to increase exports of U.S. cotton, cottonseed and U.S. manufactured cotton products through activities that affect every phase of the marketing chain. they represent the export promotion interests of the S.S. cotton industry’s seven segments: producers, ginners, warehousers, merchants, cottonseed handlers, cooperatives and manufacturers.
For more information visit
International Cotton Association 
The International Cotton Association (ICA) is the world’s leading international cotton trade association and arbitral body. It began in Liverpool, UK, in 1841 when a group of cotton brokers created a set of bylaws and rules to help regulate the sale and purchase of raw cotton. The majority of the world’s cotton is still traded internationally under these bylaws and rules.
For more information visit